Research and Technology


Research & Technology



About Us


Our research and technology division is where over 200 highly qualified scientists come together and share their insights on technological developments, to help us push the envelope year after year. Our state-of-the-art laboratories are spread across multiple locations around the world. Here is where most of our paint development and testing for architectural and industrial application takes place. We also have a microbiology lab, a modern instrumentation lab, and a resin and functional polymer development lab.

We also frequently conduct forums, conferences, and think tanks in our fully functional auditorium. 


Our Vision

We want to be an innovative, agile, and responsive world class research and technology organisation that’s aligned to future customer needs and catalyses the growth of the company across existing and future businesses.


What helps us realise our vision?


·         Innovation

·         Integration

·         Agility

·         People

·         Customer centricity


Our Bangladesh Team



Asian Paints Bangladesh works on developing new products like creating new shades for different products as well as customising shades based on client requirements. Product improvement and upgrading are carried out here.




Our Journey


The key to consistently being a leader in the paints industry is innovation. At Asian Paints, we’ve been innovating with our products for 70 years. Each year we push the limits and set greater benchmarks for ourselves. We’ve delivered brand new exciting concepts such as Colour World, Ultima, Royale and Special Effects. As we continue to serve our customers in over 65 countries,take a look at some of the milestones we’ve achieved so far.