

75 Years Of Innovation In Paint


All Great Things

Start Small


Since its foundation in 1942, Asian Paints has come a long way to become Asia’s third largest paint company, with a turnover over USD 2.6 billion. We operate in 15 countries and have 27 manufacturing facilities in the world, servicing consumers in over 65 countries.

The company has come a long way since its small beginnings. It was set up as a partnership firm by four friends who wanted to take on one of the biggest, most famous paint companies operating in India at that time. Over the course of 75 years, we became a corporate force and Asia’s leading paint company. Driven by strong consumer focus and innovative spirit, the company has been gaining market ever since. Today, we manufacture a wide range of paints for decorative and industrial use.

  • Corporate Information
  • Corporate Citizenship
  • Group Subsidiaries

Corporate Information

Corporate Information
Corporate Profile

Asian Paints Bangladesh Ltd. started its journey in the year 2002 as a joint venture with Confidence Cement to produce world class range of paints for the discerning consumers of Bangladesh. Now the company is manufacturing and distributing a wide range of high-performing decorative, marine, and industrial paint product with its expertise and cutting-edge technology to satisfy all the painting needs of consumers in Bangladesh.

Today Asian Paints Bangladesh Limited has come a long way from its humble beginnings, becoming the 2nd largest paint company in Bangladesh. Beginning with selling imported paint, we quickly ramped up through our own plants in Gazipur & Mirshorai where 25,000 KL of paint is manufactured annually . With presence across all 65 districts, an 1,800+ supportive dealer network, we are well placed to meet the painting demand of all categories of consumers across Bangladesh..We serve our customers through a network of a strategically located depots in Demra, Turag, Chittagong, Sylhet, Comilla, Khulna, Bogra, Barishal and Mymensingh & Rajshahi.

The Company aims to provide the best products to consumers in the most prominent segments. Asian Paints have also brought excitement in the Bangladeshi market through introduction of several innovative concepts and initiatives, which have set industry benchmark today.

Some of these would include work on a better retail ambience in paint shops, Color World  (through attractive shop makeover in certain outlets with usage of interesting layouts and tools to help consumers understand products and colour more effectively), popularizing the concept of Signature walls (through a successful launch of Royale Play Special Effect Paints) and a holistic expert service to consumers, Safe Ezypainting Service (where we partner with contractors to provide expert supervision, color consultation, waterproofing solution & Advansed machineries). We consistently work on applicator education and skill enhancement for all our painter & contractor partners.

The world class brands widely accepted in Bangladesh today includes Royale Play, Royale Luxury Silk Emulsion, Ultima Protek Shyne, Apex Ultima, Apex Weatherproof, Apcolite Smartcare and Decora. Today there are more than 1500 Colour Worlds (outlets with automatic colour dispensing machine for delivering a wide range of shades within minutes) in the country which has ensured even better servicing of customer needs.

Apart from a wide range of decorative paints, there are several popular industrial products which have strengthened their presence in the Bangladesh paint market. 

Asian Paints Bangladesh Limited is an ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 14001:2015 certified company.

International Presence

Today, the Asian Paints group operates in 15 countries across the world and is the largest paint company in eleven countries. The group operates in five regions across the world viz. Asia, Middle East, South Pacific and Africa through the six corporate brands viz. Asian Paints, Asian Paints Berger, SCIB Paints, Apco Coatings, Taubmans , Causeway Paints and Kadisco. The Group operates as: 

Asian Paints in India, Bangladesh, Nepal Sri Lanka and Indonesia (Asia)

SCIB Paints in Egypt (Middle East) 

Asian Paints Berger in UAE, Bahrain and Oman (Middle East)

Apco Coatings in Fiji, Tonga, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu (South Pacific)

Kadisco Asian Paints in Ethiopia (Africa)

Taubmans in Fiji and Samoa (South Pacific) 

Causeway Paints in Sri Lanka (Asia)

The company has a dedicated Group R&D Centre in India for paints and has been one of the pioneering companies in India for effectively harnessing Information Technology solutions to maximize efficiency in operations.

Human Resources

We believe that people are our strongest assets, for a company can go only as high as its people aim. It is people who innovate and invent, and who engineer the efficiencies that make a business succeed. It is they who drive growth and lead to greater heights. At Asian Paints, our human resources systems are designed to create a focused, performance oriented and agile company. A talent pool of over 5000 employees employed across 19 countries brings in a unique blend of mindsets and skills.

An open and interactive work culture brings out the best in our people. A sense of ownership and freedom to experiment at their workplace brings out creativity and innovation in every individual. Excellent training is provided to develop leaders and re-strengthen competencies from within the organization. Besides encouraging achievers from within the organization, we absorb the best talent from some of the best management and technology institutes in the country. 

We hire people who are best suited to the job and whose personal goals are in alignment with our corporate purpose. Thus, the task is cut out for every individual within the framework of result-orientation, market insight, customer perspective, trust, respect, and problem solving.

The commitment of our people and their sense of discipline and ownership continue to drive our company’s growth.


Corporate Citizenship

Corporate Citizenship
Corporate Social Responsibility

We are inclusive of our communities through a range of social interventions, enhancing skills and building social infrastructure to improve their quality of life.

The CSR Committee has identified the following thrust areas around which the Company shall be focusing its CSR initiatives and channelizing the resources on a sustained basis:

-          Health & Hygiene: Under Health & Hygiene, we aspire to deliver primary health care support through diagnosis and treatments to our communities. Interventions will include promoting preventive healthcare, building awareness about hygiene, sanitation, maternal & child health care, setting up medical infrastructure, instrumenting clean drinking water habits, etc.

-          Disaster Management: We contribute towards relief, rehabilitation, and reconstruction activities as a part of our disaster management intervention. As a responsible Company, we focus towards mitigating the effects of the crisis created by natural disasters, pandemic or likewise. We have partnered with the Government on various instances to provide support and aid. We have also worked with different partners for distribution of essentials among communities during the time of crisis.

-          Enhancing Vocational Skills: In the area of Vocational training and skilling, we provide specialized and skill-based training to painters, carpenters, plumbers, etc., to enhance their skills, empower them, provide opportunities to secure better employment and improve their livelihood.

-          Water: Water being a valuable and scare resource that we share with our surrounding communities, we have identified water conservation and management as a key area of intervention. Our focus will be an integrated approach across (a) to (d) below:

(a) reducing overall specific water consumption;

(b) reuse/recycle wastewater back within the factories and communities in the vicinity of our manufacturing locations and other areas of operations;

(c) rain Water harvesting in our factories and communities in the vicinity of our manufacturing locations and other areas of operations;

(d) watershed management and community outreach programs thus making more water available for the communities than what we consume every year.

The initiatives in this thrust area would, inter alia, include (i) creating capacities in conserving water through significant investments in partnership with relevant stakeholders, with the objective of water conservation, (ii) educating farmers in looking at various Government schemes with the objective of water management, (iii) undertaking water replenishment projects in the communities surrounding our factories. The approach would include providing support and infrastructure at each stage of water conservation, water preservation, water re-charge and waste-water treatment.

Vocational Skilling and Water conservation will continue to remain our key thrust areas of intervention.

To view our CSR policy, click here.

CSR Projects

CSR Projects for FY 2021-22

CSR Projects for FY 2020-21

BR Reports

BR Report FY 2014-15

BR Report FY 2013-14

Contact CSR cell

Asian Paints Limited

6A, Shantinagar,

Santacruz (East),

Mumbai - 400 055, India

Tel : +91-22-62181000

Fax : +91-22-62181111

Email : csr@asianpaints.com

Quality Policy

-  We shall comply with all statutory and other applicable requirements.

-  We shall provide products and services that meet stated standards on time, every time.

-  We shall continually improve our processes to understand changing stakeholder needs and preferences including statutory changes and use the same as input for periodically reviewing and revising performance standards of our products and services.

-  We accept Zero Defect as a quality absolute and shall design and operate our quality system accordingly.

-  We shall organize our work practices to do a job right the first time, every time.

-  We are committed to continual improvement in quality in all business processes and shall track such improvement through measurable indicators.


Managing Director & CEO

26th August 2020

Environmental Communications

EC Letter - APL Kasna Plant

EC Letter - APL Penta Plant, Cuddalore

EC Compliance - APL Penta Plant 

Environment Statement - APL Penta Plant 

Environment Statement - APL Penta Plant 

EC Compliance - APL Penta Plant 

EC Letter - APL Penta Plant Cuddalore-6720 TPA

Environmental Statement-APL Penta Plant

EC compliance APL Penta Plant

EC compliance APL Penta Captive Power Plant

Penta Environment Statement – Form V

Penta Half Yearly Compliance Report

EC Compliance – APL Penta  Plant Oct 16 - Mar 17

Environmental Clearance - Penta - Asian Paints - 24 April 2018 

Penta Half Yearly Compliance Report- Apr 18 – Sep 18 

Bio Medical Waste Generation 2017

Bio Medical Waste Generation 2018

Bio Medical Waste Generation 2019

Bio Medical Waste Generation 2021

Bio Medical Waste Generation 2022

Environmental Clearance Letter-Ankleshwar

Environmental Clearance Letter-Kasna

Environmental Clearance Letter-Khandala

Environmental Clearance Letter-Mysuru

Environmental Clearance Letter-Patancheru

Environmental Clearance Letter-Rohtak

Environmental Clearance Letter-Vizag

Half Yearly Compliance Report-Ankleshwar

Half Yearly Compliance Report-Kasna

Half Yearly Compliance Report-Khandala

Half Yearly Compliance Report-Mysuru

Half Yearly Compliance Report-Patancheru

Half Yearly Compliance Report-Rohtak

Half Yearly Compliance Report-Vizag

EC Compliance – APL Penta Plant, Cuddalore – Oct 2020 to March 2021 

Environmental Statement – APL Penta Plant, Cuddalore – Oct 2020 to March 2021 

Latest Survey Map – APL Penta Plant, Cuddalore

EC Compliance Report  - APL Penta Plant, Cuddalore - Oct 2018 to March 2019

Ambient Air Quality  Pe Co&THC - APL Penta Plant, Cuddalore  - July21

Ambient Air Quality - APL Penta Plant, Cuddalore - June 2021

Ambient Air Quality Co &THC  - APL Penta Plant, Cuddalore - August 2021

Ambient Air Quality Co and THC - APL Penta Plant, Cuddalore - April 2021

Ambient Air Quality CO&THC - APL Penta Plant, Cuddalore - May 2021

Ambient Air Quality VO21Ext2 - APL Penta Plant, Cuddalore - June 2021

Ambient Air Survey - APL Penta Plant, Cuddalore - 29.07.2021

Ambient Air Survey - APL Penta Plant, Cuddalore - 30.07.2021

DG Set Stack Monitoring DG Ext21 - APL Penta Plant, Cuddalore  - June 2021

Stack Monitory Penta Boiler Ext21 - APL Penta Plant, Cuddalore - June 2021

VOC Q1 - APL Penta Plant, Cuddalore - June 2021

Ambient Air Quality Analysis - APL Penta Plant, Cuddalore – December 2020

Noise Analysis - APL Penta Plant, Cuddalore – December 2020

Stacks Analysis - APL Penta Plant, Cuddalore – December 2020

VOC Analysis APL Penta Plant, Cuddalore – December 2020

Ambient Air Quality Analysis  - APL Penta Plant, Cuddalore - July 2020

Noise  Analysis - APL Penta Plant, Cuddalore – July 2020

Stacks Analysis - APL Penta Plant, Cuddalore – July 2020

TVOC  Analysis - APL Penta Plant, Cuddalore – July 2020

EC Compliance Report  - APL Penta Plant, Cuddalore - Oct 2019 to March 2020

EC Compliance Report  - APL Penta Plant, Cuddalore April 2020 to Sep 2020

Environment Statement - APL Penta Cuddalore – April 2019 to March 2020

Environment Statement - APL Penta Cuddalore – April 2020 to March 2021

Environment Statement - APL Penta Cuddalore – April 2018 to March 2019 

Fly Ash Stock Details – APL Penta, Cuddalore  – February 2022 

Fly Ash Stock Details – APL Penta, Cuddalore  – March 2022 

Environment Policy

Asian Paints is committed to manage its operations including deployment of resources using principles of sustainable development to minimize impact on the environment and communities.

-  We shall comply with all statutory requirements. We consider compliance with statutory EHS requirements as the minimum performance standard and are committed to go beyond and adopt stricter standards. We shall work in partnership with the government and industry associations for policy and regulatory reforms related to the environment. We shall annually publish our environmental performance to all stakeholders.

-  We shall source our materials and products from vendors that comply with the child labor laws and other statutory regulations.

-  We shall continually improve our products with an intention to reduce their environmental footprint. We shall inform the customers about the environmental impact and safe use of our products.

-  We are committed to protecting the environment.

-   Adhering to the highest operational standards for handling hazardous materials.

-   Preventing Pollution & leveraging the 3R (Reduction, Recycle, Reuse) principle and moving towards zero industrial effluent generation and zero hazardous solid waste generation.

-   Minimizing impact of end-of-life plastics generated out of our packaging material.

-   Reducing energy-intensity, carbon-intensity and increasing contribution of energy from renewable sources.

-   Leveraging rainwater harvesting, water conservation & water replenishment and utilizing wastewater as an alternate source.

-   Nurturing biodiversity within and outside our factory premises.

-   We are committed to continual improvement in environment-related parameters in all business processes and shall track such improvements through measurable indicators.


Managing Director & CEO

26th August 2020

Health and Safety Policy

Asian Paints is committed to ensure safety and protect health of its employees, service providers, visitors, neighboring communities and customers.

Scope and applicability of the Policy:

This Health and Safety Policy is applicable to all the operating sites of Asian Paints, its subsidiaries and joint ventures (where Asian Paints has Management Control). The operating sites include Plants, Research & Technology facilities, Offices, Distribution, Sales depots, Retail Sales & Services and Project Sales. This policy is applicable at work, travel between home and work of employees, business related travel including stay and all Company organized business events

Objectives of the Company Management shall be to:

1. Comply with all applicable health and safety statutory regulations.

2. Move towards Zero Injuries, Zero Occupational illnesses and Zero incidents of Property Damage

3. Comply with the applicable Safety Manual to achieve its safety, health and wellbeing objectives.  

The Company Management shall:

1. Ensure compliance with all applicable health and safety legislations and relevant standards.

2. Integrate safety, health and wellbeing into all business processes.

3. Ensure that all activities across the value chain are conducted as per the defined health and safety procedures, including:-

a. Selection and evaluation of suppliers, contractors and other service providers,

b. Research leading to development of new products and services

c. Design, engineering, construction and commissioning of new projects,

d.  Adopting principles of inherent safe design,

e.  Operating and maintaining plants and other facilities in accordance with the designated safety criteria throughout their working life

f.  Distribution of products

g. Technical service at customer sites and other consumer interfaces

4.  Educate customers on safe use of products.

5.  Provide safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work-related injury and ill health of employees and service providers.

6. Ensure that adequate resources, support and supervision are provided to employees and service providers to carry out their job safely and to continually upgrade health and safety standards.

7. Conduct risk assessments, safety audits and safety inspections at prescribed frequency and take all remedial measures to eliminate hazards and reduce occupational health and safety risks, arising out of operations.

8. Implement Behavior Based Safety Program in order to inculcate safety as a personal value

9. Maintain a comprehensive On-Site Emergency Plan and related facilities to handle emergencies.

10. Assess competence of individuals in the area of safety during recruitment and career advancement.

11.  Define roles and responsibilities of employees in the safety organization of the plant / facility / operations.

12.  Keep employees and service providers informed, educated, trained and retrained on safety, health and wellbeing to ensure safe conduct of their jobs.

13.  Establish mechanisms for consultation with employees and their representatives, contractors, suppliers, customers, local communities, neighbors and regulators to promote safety and building a safe work culture.

14.  Establish mechanisms for participation of employees including their representatives wherever applicable

15.  Ensure that each employee including contractors and visitors comply with all safety rules and regulations framed for the operation.

16.  Extend all possible help to industries / depots / offices around Asian Paints Operations in case of emergencies.

17.  Provide a resume of health and safety performance in the Company annual report.   

The Company shall ensure effectiveness of this policy through:

1.     Setting goals and objectives on safety, health and wellbeing and review these periodically to ensure that these are being met.

2.     Analysis of health and safety incidents, identification of root causes and implementation of corrective and preventive actions (CAPA).

3.     Appropriate action, in case of a violation by an employee, as per rules and procedures framed for the purpose.

4.     Review of this policy annually or on significant changes in the business.

5.  Periodic review of the safety, health and wellbeing standards for their continued appropriateness and effectiveness.


Managing Director & CEO

26th August 2020

Group Subsidiaries

Group Subsidiaries

APCO is a subsidiary of Asian Paints in the South Pacific islands. Asian Paints operates in Fiji, Tonga, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu under the brand name of ApcoCoatings.



Founded in 1979, SCIB Paints is today a reputed name and ranks amongst the top five paint companies in Egypt. SCIB Paints became a part of the Asian Paints group in August, 2002. 


PPG Asian Paints

PPG Asian Paints, (earlier known as Asian PPG Industries Pvt Ltd.), established in March 1997, is a 50:50 joint venture between Asian Paints Limited and PPG Industries, Inc., USA. It was formed with the objective of providing solutions to the paint requirements of Indian automobile manufacturers. The joint venture brought together two leading companies with strengths in technology, manufacturing and customer insight.


Asian Paints PPG

Asian Paints PPG (AP PPG), the second 50:50 joint venture with PPG Industries, Inc., USA was formed in 2012. This joint venture caters to the market for protective coatings, floor coatings, road marking paints and powder coatings.



Taubmans Paints Fiji, the fourth largest paint company in Fiji, became a part of the Asian Paints family in September, 2003. Taubmans Paints is the dominant player in the project sales segment in the country and is a leader in the neighbouring Samoa Islands. It has two manufacturing facilities, one in Suva (Fiji) and the other in Samoa


As part of strategic initiative in the direction of home improvement and décor, Asian Paints identified the modern kitchen space as a key opportunity to be explored in synergy with its existing line of decorative paints business in India. In August 2013, Asian Paints acquired a 51% stake in the Sleek Group, which is a major player in the organised modern kitchen space with a pan-India presence. The company is engaged in manufacturing, selling and distributing modular kitchens as well as kitchen components including wire baskets, cabinets, appliances, accessories, etc.



As part of our continued efforts to partner people in creating beautiful homes, we present Ess Ess Bath Fittings and Accessories by Asian Paints - a smart and intriguing world of ergonomic and innovative bath concepts. Expect nothing but the best because Ess Ess, the bath fittings and accessories expert, is now a part of the Asian Paints family. From delicately crafted faucets to luxurious showers, and engineered-to-perfection accessories - every product in the range has been designed to impress.


Kadisco Asian Paints

In February 2015, Kadisco, one of the leading paint companies in Ethiopia became part of the Asian Paints group. Kadisco is engaged in the manufacture and sales of decorative paints, industrial paints, automotive paints, other coatings and adhesives in Ethiopia.


Asian Paints Berger

Since its foundation in 1942, Asian Paints has come a long way to become India’s leading and Asia’s third largest paint company, with a turnover of Rs 168.43 billion. We operate in 16 countries and have 27 paint manufacturing facilities in the world, servicing consumers in over 65 countries.

In the Middle East too Berger is a well-respected brand. It is the largest paint company in Bahrain. Using its state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities there, and in United Arab Emirates, it exports to countries in the Commonwealth of Independent States, Gulf Cooperation Council and Africa

Asian Paints Berger has a strong manufacturing base in the Middle East, with dedicated plants in Dubai, Sohar, and Bahrain.
